Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Good Life!

Most people’s definition of the good life would be one of wealth. If we could all live like millionaires and have any car we want, any house we want, and go on vacation whenever we would like what could be better? When you would have kids they would be happy because they would be very spoiled. Not to mention everybody would want to be your friend whether it was for the money aspect or not.

However we all know that this is not the true meaning of the ‘good life’. The good life should mean that you are healthy, have a job that supports your family and yourself, and a family that cares about you. Realistically you are nothing without your family and friends, and evidentially money cannot buy happiness. Sure it can buy you quick fixes of happiness such as cars and boats, but that only makes your ego go up while you are out in them. What happens at the end of the night when it is just you in bed watching TV sitcoms where people actually have families and problems that come along with them?

To live the good life I believe that it should be helping other people out as well. Whether it’s volunteering at a food shelter, giving money to the less fortunate, or even just smiling at that person at the bus stop… you never know what they are going through. To know that you have made one person’s day is happiness in itself. While we all strive to make the most money we can and think that if we were millionaires all of our problems would go away, the reality is they wouldn’t. You should never sacrifice family and friends for a ‘better’ paying job or something as silly as that. At the end of the day when you are in the hospital on your death bed, it is your family and friends that care about you that will be there with you, not just your money. That to me is the true ‘good life’.

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